Why TradeVan?
Supervised by Taiwan Ministry of Finance, and recommended by accounting firms.
Top Application Service Provider in Taiwan
◣ Experienced in eGUI implementation.
◣ Flexible and comprehensive service.
◣ Proven expertise with more than 40,000 clients across various industries
Officially Supported Supplier in Taiwan
◣ Up to date services complying with government regulations.
◣ Expertise in registration and legal consultancy on eGUI implementation.
High Quality System
◣ Stringent information security standard with international recognitions.
◣ Stable server processing up to 5,000 million transactions per month.
Excellent Customer Service Team
◣ Individual customer service
◣ Professional IT support
One stop solution and tailored service
Easy to implement
1. Requirements Assessment
Contact us to confirm the system requirements of your company.
2. Project Kick-off
Complete information security assessments.
Sign the contract and kick-off the project.
3. Application Submission
Consult our customer service team for legal compliance and guidance on completing eGUI application.
4. System Compliance
Get end to end services on system integration from our IT support.
5. System GO-live
Now you’ll be able to issue and manage your eGUI. Compliance with MOF regulations is completed.
Contact us
- (02)2655-1188 #721 Joyce Chiang
- joyce.chiang@tradevan.com.tw
- 09:00 - 17:00 Mon.-Fri. (except Taiwan public holidays)